Friday, August 31, 2012

The Goat Below

No.1 Article of Summer Jobs In Atlanta

As a boy of 14, I was always seeing for adventure. As I look back, I am amazed that my parents let me do so much. Dad had taken a break from the coal mining company and opened a assistance center on the main road through Englewood, Tennessee. We moved the house trailer onto the asset next to the station. After school and on the weekends I helped dad in the assistance station, pumping gas, repairing flats and greasing autos. Dad would often leave me alone to run the station. Some times he would even take all my friends fishing and he would say person has to mind the store. I did not mind though because he took me fishing fullness of times.

We were only there about six months, but I have many memories from Englewood. An old lady walked south to Florida in the winter time and back north in the summer time. She pushed a cart with all her belongings and never suitable a ride. She spent some time at the center visiting and talking for quite a while.

Summer Jobs In Atlanta

We found a red holder with a fuse in a pile of dirt behind the center one day, it looked like it had black powder in it. Dad and I tried our best to get it to go off but the fuse would not stay lit. Dad must have known that the powder and fuse was to wet.

The Goat Below

Someone gave me an old washing engine motor while we were there and I was able to get it running. I do not know why they called the small motors washing engine motors unless they were used on the early washing machines. It had a side shaft and place for a small belt. I bolted the motor onto the back of my bike and attached a belt from the motor to the rear wheel with an old motor cycle belt attachment. I installed a lever on the side that I could tighten the belt with for drive. It would for real fly. However, it was very heavy on the rear and hard to steer. If you got off the bike, the front wheel would come off the ground. After a while I got tired of struggling with it and wanted my old bike back. I am amazed that I didn't kill myself on that thing.

My friends and I decided to go camping once and mom said that it was fine just don't go too far. We packed up our blankets and snacks and headed off to wherever the road led. We even walked the compel tracks for quite a while. When night came, we had no ideal where we were, only how to get back. We found an old barn that look like it was about to fall down, and climbed up into the second floor. Most of the floor was missing so we had to be particular not to fall through. We spent the night there and the next morning person yelled, look what is down below! Right below us was a dead goat, he still had all of his hair, but he had been dead for a long time. I can't remember what we did the rest of the day, but that dead goat sure stuck with me.

My second cave trip was also in Englewood, I am not sure just where. We rode our bikes out of town to this farm, one of the boys must have known about the cave. The entry was a slide down about 20 feet into a good size room. We only had our flashlights and I don't think that we stayed very long. I wish that I could remember where it was I would like to go back and check it out again. I do remember that there was a spring down the hill just a short way form the entrance. On the way back we spent sometime knocking down wasp nests in someone else barn and getting chased by them. That was always a challenge to see how many nest you could knock down without getting stung.

I had a close friend named Becky, we met at the Baptist Church where we attended. She had a steady boy friend that was keeping a close eye on whom Becky was hanging nearby with, but I was particular and we never had a run-in. We never got too serious but we shared a lot and we corresponded together while I was in the service. While I was visiting with her one day, a car ran over her cat. It was a for real bad scene the cat was screaming and Becky was crying for me to put him out of his misery. Well I never realized just how hard it is to kill a cat and I never want to have to go through that again. We dated once after I returned from my tour in Germany, but a lot had changed for both of us and nothing developed. We lost touch after that and I often wondered if she married that farm boy in Englewood. I passed a lady on the bridge of Rich's division store in Atlanta once many years later and could have sworn that it was Becky, any way I conception it best not to try and find out.

We left Englewood in 1956 and moved to Lakeland Florida. Dad got a job as a welder in the phosphate mines there.

this hyperlink The Goat Below

Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges

Jobs Atlanta Ga - Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges. And the content related to Jobs Atlanta Ga.

Do you know about - Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges

Jobs Atlanta Ga! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I run a computer fix company in Atlanta, and I'm enduringly reminded of the need for honesty and integrity in this business. Time after time our customers tell us stories of abuses that run rampant in the computer business.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Jobs Atlanta Ga. You read this article for information about what you need to know is Jobs Atlanta Ga.

How is Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Jobs Atlanta Ga.

Just this past week, a new client of ours came to us after manufacture a call to one of the nationally known computer fix companies. Just to come out to her house to see why her sound card wasn't working was going to cost her colse to 0. Yes, that's three hundred and fifty American dollars. That's not the cost in Yen or Liras. I mean, a brand new sound card will cost you between -30, and 2 of 3 population can outline out how to install it themselves. But, they wanted 0 to come to the house, precisely amazing.

When you call a computer fix company and they quote you 0+ to come out, realize that you can pick up a brand new computer for colse to 0-400. It's probably not worth spending that much. And there are much great alternatives with a local company.

There are numerous separate price structures that computer fix associates charge. Most payment an hourly fee, which can range from -100 an hour. The first hour is commonly expensed no matter what, and then after that you'll be billed for every quarter hour after that. However, not to worry a competent tech should be able to solve most issues within the first two hours. Also many associates payment an onsite assistance fee if they come to you. The onsite assistance payment may be in any place from -50.

Some associates are spellbinding to a flat model of charging for repairs. They payment in any place from -150 for flat fee pricing. So, no matter what the fix is, they will fix it for a designated fee. However, some of my clients have been pretty unhappy with that type of service. There is no incentive for the tech to terminate their job quickly, and the techs seem to be of slightly lower quality.

Most of the reputable hourly associates will payment a flat fee if the job looks like it's going to increase beyond two hours. If the system needs to be rebuilt, that's a longer process which could take 3-6 hours. You might want to negotiate for a flat fee, because you don't want to be paying an hourly rate forever.

Be careful as well with purchasing hardware from a computer fix company. Many associates use hardware as a huge profit source. Selling a sound card for -100 is an example of a common way population are taken advantage of by dishonest companies. As long as you have a normal idea what things cost you'll be much great prepared to negotiate a fair price.

One of the hardest things to do is being sure that your technician is competent. The last thing you want is an incompetent assistance man creating more problems than they are solving. And of course the hourly rates can growth rapidly as well, when they are studying about computer fix on your time.

Most computer fix associates are very reputable and honest. When at all possible try to get a referral from man you know, or at least get references from the computer company you are using. By being an informed buyer you're much more likely to get satisfactory service.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Jobs Atlanta Ga. Where you possibly can put to used in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is Jobs Atlanta Ga.Read more.. experie nced Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges. View Related articles associated with Jobs Atlanta Ga. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Computer Repairs - Watch Out For Extra Charges.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Did He Eat the Steak?

Jobs Atlanta Ga - Did He Eat the Steak? The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Did He Eat the Steak?. And the content related to Jobs Atlanta Ga.

Do you know about - Did He Eat the Steak?

Jobs Atlanta Ga! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As I was boarding a plane in Atlanta some years ago, I noticed a customary face in line in front of me. The unmistakable beard and steel-rimmed glasses, even the trademark bow tie -- C. Everett Koop, former Surgeon normal of the United States, Mr. Anti-Smoking and Eat Healthy.

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How is Did He Eat the Steak?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Jobs Atlanta Ga.

It was a big plane and my seat was a good distance from his, so I didn't see him again after boarding. When the meal was served, it was a steak dinner (you can tell this was some time ago!). As I loaded up on cholesterol, along with the patented artificial vegetables, simulated sour cream, preservative-laden salad, and chemical cheesecake, I couldn't help but wonder what C. Everett was doing. Did he eat what the rest of us did? Or did he have the foresight to ask a low-cholesterol meal or vegetarian entree? When faced with a selection of eating unwisely or not eating at all, what is the preferred alternative?

In Koop's case, he was the country's advocate for corrective practices. When he eats, there are probably habitancy watching to see if he practices what he preaches. There is no way he could light up a Camel after his meal and retain credibility. But what about us? Do we institution what we preach?

We are not under close scrutiny in the way a public frame is. We can talk all we want about best practices and green reserved supply management, and few will ever know if we have achieved success in that area. Nor should they. The improvement programs you undertake are aimed at good performance, lower costs, and becoming more competitive, and as long as the follow justifies the attempt and expense, it doesn't matter what you call it or who knows about it.

So the real issue is either you do what you should be doing, even if no one is looking. Just how serious are you anyway? It's always the tiny things that trip you up. Top on the list is procedural discipline. Take inventory accuracy, for example. Let's say that your inventory narrative accuracy is 40 percent. If you spend half a million dollars to automate your inventory records but do nothing to tighten up procedures, what you end up with is a half a million dollar self-acting 40 percent-accurate inventory system. Sometimes we forget that systems are only as good as the information that we furnish to them. Even if we remember, it is easy to slip into old habits when no one is finding and destroy the benefits we worked so hard to achieve.

Early on in an implementation task there is a lot of visibility. Top management wants to see results from that big investment. We pay attention, tighten up, and get our act together to get accuracy up to around 90 percent. After a few months, however, when the spotlight has moved on to an additional one project, it is easy to lose the discipline that brought success while implementation. That accuracy level will quietly slip back to the 40 percent. We start eating steak and fries again.

What we as a matter of fact need is a spotlight that doesn't go away after the implementation attempt ends. Prosperous associates post the inventory accuracy measurements where everybody can see them. Make it public so there are witnesses to your success or lack thereof. Nobody likes to air dirty laundry, so what good way is there to keep the pressure on and certify results? The visibility rule applies at all levels. Any private who has a accountability related with the company's success (which I'm assuming includes everybody in the company) must have an standard spotlight aimed in his or her direction.

There is an incentive law at work in each situation, either it is a formal performance law such as incentive pay or management-by-objectives evaluations or as informal as "do it right or lose your job". The key is manufacture sure the incentive is specific adequate to encourage the desired behavior, and that the encouraged behavior achieves the desired results.

People retort to their motivating law either the motivation is properly aimed or not. If a output foreman is paid a bonus based on the quantity of stock produced, he will do his best to produce the maximum quantity per month, regardless of either that is the best follow for the business. When implementing a priority-based planning system, the maximum output quantity per month will likely disagreement with the priorities developed by the system, which are tied directly to shipment schedules or complete goods objectives.

For example, it is the last day of the month and there are three jobs in the queue. The output numbers for the month (total quantity) are a tiny below average. Of the three jobs, one is high priority but small quantity, the second is a large quantity but long running (average priority), and the third is a quick, high quantity job that is early (low priority). Guess which one will get run today? Of course, the high-quantity, low-priority job; this yields the top bonus for the foreman. As a result, the high-priority job is deferred and a customer ship date is likely to be missed while unneeded parts sit around inflating inventory.

It is not the foreman's fault. You can't blame him or her for responding to an incentive system. Instead, blame the incentive law for not properly reflecting the goals of that company. The spotlight is there, but it is illuminating the wrong target.

The challenge is threefold:

1. You must recognize what the true objectives are for each employee, in line with the allinclusive objectives of the company (make a profit by shipping efficiently produced, quality products on time)
2. Find a way to motivate employees properly in line with these objectives
3. Create and monitor the incentive law and adjust as valuable to reflect changes in company goals, procedures and environment.

So did Dr. Koop eat the steak? I'd like to think he ordered a special meal and wasn't faced with the qoute in the first place. I am sure that he did not have a smoke afterward.

We have to devise our own spotlights to motivate ourselves and our employees to do what is best for the company's health. Incentive is necessary. Make a commitment and reinforce it with a determination law that keeps the pressure on. Doctor's orders. It's for your own good.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Jobs Atlanta Ga. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is Jobs Atlanta Ga.Read more.. official statement Did He Eat the Steak?. View Related articles associated with Jobs Atlanta Ga. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Did He Eat the Steak?.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers

Jobs In Atlanta - collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers. And the content related to Jobs In Atlanta.

Do you know about - collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers

Jobs In Atlanta! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Like me, link me, StumbleUpon me and by all means, don't forget to tweet me. Funny how in real life if someone followed us like they do in Twitterville, we'd call the cops, yes? So, why do we work so hard to be followed in the virtual world? Don't forget your hash mark (#). Simple, you are selling something. You figure that if someone follows you and starts to like you on twitter, throw you in on a list or you supervene some hot shot, you will get visitors to your site and jump on your offering. Well, that is kind of how it works.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Jobs In Atlanta. You check this out article for home elevators an individual want to know is Jobs In Atlanta.

How is collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Jobs In Atlanta.

Tell me, why does someone willingly put compromising photos on their Facebook wall? How is it that my son has over 500 friends but seems to hang out with the same three guys Friday or Saturday? Facebook was an urgency and it is too grand and too addicting to some. I think I might spend in a business that is Facebook anonymous. Bet I'd make a killing. How much time do young population spend on communal media? anything happened to a stick and mud and playing outside? Why socialize when you can hide behind your computer or phone. There is a whole new way of dating. Today, you can go all the way home with someone without seeing them, talking to them or touching them. Thanks Zuckerberg for singular handedly destroying communal morays and communal courtesy. Well, if it wasn't you then it would be the founders of My Space who'd be rolling in more dough then they know what to do with it. Do you think that Zuckerberg knew that he was creating an advertising motor when he sat in his dorm at Harvard hacking? Well the Silicon Valley angel money categorically did. Get population to sign up for free, share data that they regularly wouldn't share then allow them to join together and think that they are socializing with thousands of "friends".

Well, from a marketing and advertising perspective, thank you Mark, Tweet dudes and my friends at LinkedIn. Frankly, I was tired of Google AdWords having a monopoly and then killing it for the small advertiser by allowing the big boys to drive the bids up. They have to make money, but level the playing field some. Let's see, find keywords that fit your gift to a tee, then write a pithy headline and some body, have a great landing page and watch the clicks roll in and the bank list overflow with green. For most, the green was flowing to Google. But now, we have other ways to spend our hard earned marketing money... communal media.

What is so extra about communal media for online advertisers?
1. Targeted advertising - on Facebook population love to build their wall and profile and other stuff. Load it with binge pictures and roughly nudity. But more importantly, they tell advertisers what they like. I like cycling; I like boating; I like long walks in the park and my birthday is in September. Aren't I cool? See I don't have to talk to anyone.

2. Regional Seo on Steroids - wow, you can roughly get a person's address from their Facebook. So, you want to reach 45 to 65 year old males in Atlanta Georgia and Chicago Illinois to sell them your hair grow product. Boom, you have that audience.

3. They find you and put that ad on the right side of your page - Not only do they tell you everything, but they let you in their front door, sit on their sofa and let you tell them all about your offering. What other medium allows that. Sure plan Tv was going to do that, however, unless you are a Nielson family, it is a crap shoot for an advertiser to know what you want. Thanks to the clicker, we don't have to watch the ads on Tv. Try to turn off the Facebook ads on your page...good luck. Call Zuckerberg and put that one in his suggestion box. Stop invading my page with ads that I probable want to see because I told you all things about me and my house and friends and what we did on July 4 in 2006 at the lake that we pinky promised to tell no one.

4. supervene me, supervene you - sorry Phil couldn't help it. But there are those that supervene and there are those that are influencers and have an entourage in the virtual world. Example, you as an advertiser can tell the world that the bistro you are advertising is the best, many food in the world. So what. But if you can get a leader to say that the bistro is the many and you can get him or her to sit down at the bistro and eat and ask say 1 million of his closest "friends" to come off the road and take a taste. grand stuff.

So, to recap, Facebook has wreaked hell on our society. Talking to a girl on Facebook is not dating! But, thank you for giving me another medium to make money for my clients and for me. Zuckerberg, I'm the guy at the virtual fitness club who hands out the towel and mints to guys like you after your workout. Hey, thanks for the work, it beats a real job.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Jobs In Atlanta. Where you'll be able to offer use in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is Jobs In Atlanta.Read more.. a fantastic read collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers. View Related articles associated with Jobs In Atlanta. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share collective Media, a bad dream for Users and 4 Reasons It's a Dream for Advertisers.

Get Free Leads With Craigslist

If you have reservations about getting into internet marketing because you feel you can't afford the marketing costs, I will show you how to get free leads with Craigslist advertising. Craigslist is like a major newspaper, accept it goes worldwide. It's free and easy. Corollary the steps that work and then set it and forget it.

You start by setting up an account on You will have to verify your email address and even your telephone estimate if you will be posting under the "job offered" category. View other peoples ads at Craigslist,, or to get some ideas. See what ads are posted, copy and paste them into a word document, and convert them to fit you, your personality, and your business. Originate about three ads that have distinct titles, and content. Make sure your ads are relevant to the stock you are selling. Consist of your perceive information and website or you can anonymize your email. You have to pay to post in the major cities like, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston. In order to get free leads with Craigslist, you have to post in the surrounding areas of these cities.

There are many categories of which to post your ad. Make sure you use the category that is acceptable to your ad. If you post in the wrong section, you might be flagged, which happens every now and then, especially if your ad is spam-like. You can also be flagged by your competitors. You have to respect the terms that Craigslist outlines, so it is recommended that you post three ads per day. You don't want to come to be too aggressive. I encourage you to read straight through the terms and agreements before posting.

Have a distinct ad for every city, because Craigslist watches to see if you have at least twenty percent of your ad that's distinct from other ads on the site. They will delete your ad if it is like person else's ad. After posting your ad, you should check your email and Craigslist account to ensure the ad was posted. Your ad will be online for some days, during which you can edit or take off your posted ad. When your ad expires, you can go to your account and repost it. You can also delete your ad and then repost.

To get free leads with Craigslist, you have to be consistent and post everyday. Don't post at the same time daily and use distinct titles to see which ones are the most effective. Use a spreadsheet to keep track of your titles and your leads so you don't loose any potential customers. Make posting on Craigslist a game, have fun with it and be creative.

had me going Get Free Leads With Craigslist had me going

Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast

Jobs In Atlanta - Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast. And the content related to Jobs In Atlanta.

Do you know about - Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast

Jobs In Atlanta! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In order to sell your home, you must pay just attentiveness to five key factors. Here is a overview of what you should expect to hear from a prospective real estate agent who is seeking to earn your business...

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Jobs In Atlanta. You look at this article for home elevators that wish to know is Jobs In Atlanta.

How is Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Jobs In Atlanta.

A Great Marketing Plan...After I study your home and the comparable homes in the area, I will present you with the most uncut marketing plan available. I will show you how I will sell your home in the shortest estimate of time possible. This marketing plan will be convention tailored to suit your home.

I promise to share with you, in writing, exactly what steps I will take to get your home sold. There will be no vague answers or ideas, I will give you a list in writing and sign it when I list your home. I will then give you a weekly record on exactly how I have implemented the marketing plan and a detailed action record on the weeks activity. I request your suggestions each week and give you the chance to hold me accountable!

Preparing for the Market...Prior to placing your home on the market, we want to make certain that it is as marketable as possible. If we are to get top dollar for your home (and that is our goal!) then we need to "wow" the potential buyers when they come straight through the door.
I will give you uncut advice on what aspects of your home could be improved in order to leave a good impression on the buyer. There are many exiguous things like painting the front door, pressure-washing the drive and walkways, getting a new door cope etc. That can in effect save you thousands of dollars! I will work with you to make sure that we do not miss any details that could cost us the sale.

Priced Correctly... Even with the best of marketing plans, the many exposure, and a extraordinary property, your home will not sell if it is over-priced. In order to price a home correctly, I will do a full market study for you that shows the localized price trends as well as the comparable homes in your immediate area that have sold in the past two years.
I often also suggest a full evaluation record on your home prior to placing it on the market...this is key to giving us the upper hand on negotiations and also can forestall a last exiguous disaster if our buyers evaluation were to come out lower than our covenant price! Remember, Atlanta has the highest rate of mortgage fraud in the country and you need to be protected!

Professional Negotiating... So, we priced your home correctly, we ready for the market until it sparkled, we implemented my extraordinary marketing plan, and now we have a buyer who would like to buy your now what?

Well, that buyer will most likely make you a low offer to see how much they can lower the buy price. If you hire somebody to sell your home that does not have top negotiating skills, then you have just lost a lot of money!

I believe that one of the most foremost jobs that a real estate expert has is to negotiate ruthlessly in your interest. Your agent may be great at marketing, extraordinary at presenting your home, or have a familiar name, but if your agent has whatever less than stellar negotiating tactics, then it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

One of my many strengths is the fact that I am a expert negotiator with natural skills that will save you tens of thousands of dollars! Negotiating for you is perhaps the most arresting part of my job and I truly believe that it one of the most foremost aspects of selling your home.

The negotiating does not start when we get an offer, it starts when we first organize the marketing plan. I will share with you many "small" things that can be done at the start which will greatly heighten our negotiating position down the road!

Trust... Lastly, but very important, is trust. In order to have a flourishing relationship, you must be able to trust me, and I must be able to trust you.

If all of these factors are paid close attention, then you will sell your home fast and for top dollar!

I hope you have new knowledge about Jobs In Atlanta. Where you possibly can put to utilization in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is Jobs In Atlanta.Read more.. your input here Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast. View Related articles associated with Jobs In Atlanta. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Five Crucial Steps to Sell Your Home fast.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Ku Klux Klan - Ends in 20--?

The Ku Klux Klan had at one time been especially dominant in the mountain, Piedmont and Deep South areas of the United States of America. But the Knights of the White Camellia, someone else race hatred organization, finally ruled in the Deep South, after being founded in 1867 in Louisiana.

They were reputed to have more members than the Kkk, but were more conservative and less spectacular in their actions. The Knights had a similar divisional assosication to the Klan, with headquarters in New Orleans. One specialist settled the Knights as indubitably a field of the Ku Klux Klan, stating it was a Texas group led by Charles Lee. It was related to a number of incidents of racial intimidation and harassment in Vidor, Texas, occurring in 1992 and 1993.

These events involved efforts to preclude the desegregation of an all-white federally assisted housing project. Among reported threats was an endeavor to blow up a unit to preclude its integration. Residents of this housing scheme issued a statement that the Knights "carried self-acting weapons on a bus they drove straight through the housing involved and that one Klan member offered white children to beat up African-American children."

Based on that, the Texas Commission on Human proprietary brought a civil suit against the Klan. One tactic nowadays used against them is to bring civil suits, for in many cases, these cowards have attacked an personel with a group of people. That makes it harder to get a criminal conviction. Groups who kill or hurt individuals are difficult to convict in criminal court, due to the "eye for an eye" nature of homicide and assault laws, but it's easier to get a conviction against them as a group in civil court.

In 1915, the second Ku Klux Klan was founded by William J. Simmons, a famed white promoter of fraternal orders. The new group proposed a much broader program than the first one, together with with its white supremacy orientation a degree of nativism, or preaching against foreigners, and anti-Catholicism. They were now also more sharply oriented towards anti-Semitism, and were similar in these regards to the Know-Nothing movement of the mid-19th century.

The newfound power of the contemporary mass media inspired the Klan's comeback. For example there was the silent 1915 black and white film, "Birth of a Nation," which made a major point of featuring the Klan as "American heroes," and inflammatory anti-Semitic newspaper accounts surrounding the trial and subsequent lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish man accused of murder.

Frank was the owner of a pencil premise in Atlanta, Georgia, and he was accused of killing 13-year-old employee Mary Phagan, an accusation that due to anti-Semitic fervor grew into wild tales of orgies and rapes that Frank had supposedly committed. His death by lynching straight through a mob of foremost citizens in Marietta, Georgia in 1915 caused the formation of the Anti-Defamation League, but also fanned the flames of unrest. Georgia politician and publisher Tom Watson used the case to build withhold for the renovation of the first Klan, which had been destroyed by the federal government in the early 1870s.

But now, the second Kkk was a formal fraternal assosication with the quality to recite straight through the mails, the newly invented telephone, and the mass media. It had a national and state structure, which paid thousands of men to found local chapters all over the country. At its peak in the early 1920s, the Kkk included nearly 15% of the nation's eligible white population. Some southern groups caused lynchings and other violent activities, which in a few years made the South gain in its credit for wanton lawlessness.

After 1920, expert promoters Elizabeth Tyler and Edward Y. Clarke helped it spread rapidly straight through the North this time, as well as the South. It gave the militant patriotism that had been aroused in Wwi an outlet, and began stressing Christian fundamentalism. But they also began controlling politics in many communities, and in the 1920s they elected many state officials and Congressmen. The states of Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Oregon and Maine were being held under their pervasive influence. Their power in the Midwest began to fade in the late 1920s when a major Klan leader, David C. Stephenson, was convicted of murder.

Such evidence of corruption led to the indictment of Indiana's governor and Indianapolis' mayor, as they were both Klan supporters. Meanwhile, the Klan was organizing lynchings, as they had already done in the 1800s, and committing other crimes against humanity, such as dissuading black people from taking jobs for which they had been hired. In one case, they talked a black female schoolteacher out of assuming her position by visiting her at night while wearing their peculiar costumes, with Viking horns sticking out of their heads. They were known for their greatest measures taken against Native Americans, blacks and Jews, plus their newer anti-Catholic sentiments were sometimes violently expressed, as by the mid-1920s, their membership had peaked sharply. They now had an estimated 4 to 5 million members.

Although their active membership was probably much smaller, the indiscernible Empire had finally fulfilled their own sick premise, making sure that "you'd great be racist, or else." But the Klan next proceeded to decline rapidly, and was down to about 30,000 members by 1930. In the meantime, the "Klan spirit" managed to help break the Democratic Party's hold on the South in 1928, when Roman Catholic Alfred E. Smith was running as that party's presidential candidate.

The collapse of the second Klan practically immediately afterwards was due to state laws forbidding masks and disallowing the "secret organization" elements of the group, which stemmed from the bad publicity they were receiving straight through the sporadically violent operation of their thugs and swindlers. Also, the interest in it among the ghouls, or personel members, was disappearing, and while the Great Depression of the 1930s, their dues-paying membership pretty much disappeared. There wouldn't be supplementary interest in it until well after Wwii, especially since one of the reasons they had problems was their affiliations with the Nazis and similar groups. They tried getting together with the Neo Nazis in the 1980s, but differing ideologies swiftly drove the two groups apart.

The third endeavor at the Klan "rising again" was by Dr. Samuel Green of Georgia, when he attempted to revive it in the years following the Second World War, but this failed. The assosication was splintered, and states were beginning to individually "bar" it as an illegal group.

But the southern civil proprietary activities while the 1960s, although they had begun to combat Jim Crow laws and not to particularly oppose the Klan, caused a resurgence of Klannish activities and led to the resurrection of the scattered klaverns. The most famed ones belonged to Mississippi's White Knights of the Kkk groups, which were led by Robert Shelton. These newly revived groups attacked blacks and civil proprietary workers in many southern cities, together with Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Florida, Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, and Meridian, Mississippi.

However, this new Klan was not organized well or strongly believed in, so by the end of the 1960s, its power and membership declined to practically nothing. The Civil proprietary Movement had used their violent methods against them by practicing diplomatic nonviolence instead, which made them more sympathetic to the general collective than what was now only a bunch of violent, hate-mongering "hoodlums." The federal government now treated them the same way they treated other organizations seen as "hostile" to American interests, and the Fbi was infiltrating and monitoring them well before the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., favorite head of the Civil proprietary Movement in America while the 1960s.

They were field to federal probes, and in Birmingham, my father and the Boys were allowed free license to use "scare tactics" on the "ghouls" as individuals. They "spooked" inevitable foremost members by request their employers about Klan affiliations, also visiting their next-door neighbors and bothering them with questions about the Kkk, until these individuals quit the group. Also, Mlk's death in 1968 caused some overdue hatred against them, and anti-Klan sentiment in general, as many people thought the Klan was involved in his murder.

There are some few reports on the Internet about violent attacks by blacks on Klan members in modern years, and apparently there were at least a few murders of whites. Though there was a resurgence of withhold in the early 1990s via the recruitment efforts of right-winger David Duke in Louisiana, he has since quit the organization, and the membership of the Kkk is estimated to now be in the low thousands. With black militancy straight through "gangstas" on the rise, I think their days may indubitably be numbered.

But it has also been estimated that there are as many as 150 Klan chapters or klaverns in the Usa, with up to 8,000 members nationwide. These "clubs" run their operations in separate, small local units, and are considered to be greatest hate groups. Therefore, the contemporary Kkk has been repudiated by the mainstream media and many political and religious leaders. Recently, a website touting "Christian Love" was found headed by a female Klan leader, under the phrase "Christina love" on the Internet. It's doubtful that they're getting much press coverage; agreeing to the Fbi, they're pretty much "over with."

Read the next report in this series, "Early American Civil proprietary - Begins in 1896"and the other articles in this long report series about why racism was and is so prevalent in the American South.

for beginners The Ku Klux Klan - Ends in 20--? for beginners

Identifying Your Own Internet Based Home enterprise

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An Internet based home company can be your best retort to tide over the present economic state. If you devote some ability time doing focused explore you can set up your company in quick time. You should also learn how to safeguard yourself from scam websites. Stay clear from websites promising overnight riches and request you to pay upfront fees/charges etc. The following argument is designed to help you land genuine company opportunities.

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The Benefits of Having Gates

#1. The Benefits of Having Gates

The Benefits of Having Gates

Gates are not only meant to keep unwanted characters out of your property; they also help keep your popular pets and children safe within. While gates are often seen in large properties, they are also applicable to smaller residences. Gates and fences come in many colors and designs, retention your home secure without being an eyesore.

The Benefits of Having Gates

Those who live in Atlanta would want to look into the varied Atlanta gate systems available in the area. There's the typical wooden fence that's perfect for gardens or the farm setting, the impressive steel entry gates with intricate motifs, or the more contemporary invent with cleaner outlines.

To find the best one for you, consult an Atlanta gates expert or an Atlanta entry law professional. They can look at your property and give you the best choice available. You can take a pick from a line of wooden fences and gates, privacy fences, picket fences, split and board rail wooden fences, aluminum fences, ornamental steel fences, chain link fences, self-operating gate systems, etc.

Security and peace of mind
With the crime rates rising each year, home safety is an leading issue. The key to retention your loved ones and your home secure is by retention the bad elements out. A gating law can do just that. Having a fence would make it harder for robbers and other unsavory characters to lanch your home.

Protect your investment
Keep your home's value from depreciating by manufacture sure it stays in good condition. There have been some cases of property vandalism during the absence of the home owner because they did not have an sufficient fencing system. This would mean having to resort to costly home repairs and paint jobs to cover up the graffiti. A gate is a one-time expenditure, and is pretty easy to maintain. It also keeps mischievous teenagers with spray paint out of your property.

Get some privacy
There are some high-walled wooden fences that afford you privacy as you are relaxing in your home garden. Some days, you just want to enjoy nature without having to be exposed to the intrusive eyes of your neighbors. Nothing beats lounging under the sun without having to feel too self-conscious that person next door could see you.

This is especially handy for those who have swimming pools. If you do not fence your pool in, you will find that your underground pool will cease to be private. Apart from not being able to float about the waters in peace, some habitancy just might rule to use it while you are out of the house. The sad thing about this is that some strangers do not even have the tendency to be neat about it. You will end up advent home to a house with a messy pool.

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Roofing Tips - Save Some Cash With guidance From The Experts

No.1 Article of Summer Jobs In Atlanta

Getting a roof change may not be as engaging as undertaking other home revision projects, but it sure forms an primary part of it. The rough weather conditions that prevail in Georgia's capital city of Atlanta make roof damage and deterioration almost inevitable.

Though timely roof repair may save you primary cost that is linked with roof replacement, there are times when it will be best to replace your roof. Inspecting the scale of the job and the expertise required in completing the same without glitches in the very first time, it is extremely recommended that you experience some of the finest roof repair specialists in Atlanta.

Summer Jobs In Atlanta

These skilled contractors know a roofing problem when they see one and can propose you the best inherent remedy for the same. You can even get an spoton estimation of the roof change costs from these people for free. In fact, any time you make an expanding to your home structure, even if it is just a drywall installation, you need to safe the same by providing a favorable roof over the same. It is an integral part of any major home revision project.

Roofing Tips - Save Some Cash With guidance From The Experts

The first decision that you need to make with regards to roof change is the option of roofing material that you want to go for. Some of the most favorite choices are asphalt combination shingles, rubber slate or faux slate, wood shake, slate roofing and metal roofing.

Your funds for roof change depends largely on the roofing material you opt for. For instance, wood shake roofing comes at a high price while asphalt combination shingles are more affordably priced. For those who want to build a green home, rubber slate that is made of recycled post market synthetics is a great choice.

Though summer months are the ideal time to get roof change in Atlanta, the roof repair specialists can do this job well all round the year. The only ground rule that needs to be followed at the time of installation of a new roof is that the basic layers should be thoroughly dry before the installation of covering layers.

Don not forget to shop for cost estimates before hiring a professional roof repair contractor to replace your roof. An prominent terminology that is often used with regards to roof change is 'square' that equals to 100 square feet. Pay extra attentiveness to the installation of the ridge vent at the time of roof replacement.

lowest price Roofing Tips - Save Some Cash With guidance From The Experts

Thursday, August 2, 2012

base Roof Flashing Problems And Solutions

Faulty roof flashing has been identified as the cause of nearly 80 percent of roofing problems that whether call for thorough heal or roof replacement. The roof problems caused due to improper roof flashing not only inconvenience the population living in the house, but are a big burden on their bank inventory as well. One of the most base roofing problems that Atlanta homeowners face due to improper roof flashing is roof leaks. This can be caused due to placement of insufficient estimate of base-flashing piles.

There is a greater tendency for water seepage to produce along the base of the chimney, roof valleys, skylights and step flash. Thus, any place where there can be heavy water runoff is prone to pooling of water unless permissible precaution is taken to seal any cracks and remedy any corrosion that may occur over time due to exposure to various elements of nature. To avoid poor workmanship at installing flashing in your roof, hire the services of the best roofing contractor in Atlanta. You can also seek estimates from various specialists to fix a badly done flashing job.

Unless permissible flashing is done colse to these joints where two opposing surfaces meet, you can expect to pay a hefty sum for roof repair. To preclude this from happening, you should hire expert roof installation, heal and change contractors in Atlanta who pay special attention to fastening of the flashing details.

Leaking roofs are also base in hot bituminous and torch-applied modified bitumen roofs that do not have a permissible moisture barrier installed underneath. Locating counter flashings at an improper height above the base flashing can also cause this problem. You can also suffer from the qoute of leaking roofs in particular ply membrane roofs that have poor flashing at the seams.

Even a fantastic roofing job done by the best roofing contractor in town will not be able to stand the test of time and harsh weather conditions without permissible maintenance and upkeep. It is highly foremost to clean the debris on the roof from time to time.

In increasing to that, you should get a biannual inspection done by the professionals to identify any roof damage or deterioration in the early stages and take steps to fix the same. These routine inspections can help you make do with minor roof heal jobs once or twice a year instead of having to get the whole roof substituted within months of expiry of the warrantee period.

this post base Roof Flashing Problems And Solutions this post

Tips on How to Do a Job crusade

#1. Tips on How to Do a Job crusade

Tips on How to Do a Job crusade

Most of us are well-known with the saying: An idle mind is the devil's workshop. It is therefore important that you put yourself into good use. A job quest can be done using discrete avenues. To date, the Internet is known to be one of the fastest ways that you can use. You are able to know the jobs offered nearby the world in a very short time.

Tips on How to Do a Job crusade

You an be able to have an alert facility that allows you to access recent listings from your inbox. You can then feel the definite company for more details. Most employers prefer advertising via the Internet. This is so as to avoid the tiring procedures of going through resumes.

Job quest over the Internet allows you to get global exposure. important experts and recruiters offer pro propose via the net. They will help you to bring out your strong points that will give a competitive edge over others. These resume writers will help you to blend every area of your life to bring out something worth contending with. The style of writing that you use is very important.

The recruiters act as a link in the middle of employers and the client. This is an sufficient way for freshers to enter into the market. Most people use it as a stepping stone as they begin their job search. The resume is available anytime that you may wish to view it. The web sites implicated do not payment anything for membership. Once you have been able to get employment, the salary can be negotiated with your employer.

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How to Make $50,000 in Your First Year as a Freelance Copywriter

When many think of freelancing, they think starving artist, low pay, no benefits, long hours, etc. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Following are 6 steps to ensuring at least ,000/year in your first year as a freelance copywriter.

1. Do the Numbers: Believing you can do it is the first part of the equation. Once you break down the numbers, I'll bet you'll say, "That's it? I can make that!"

So, ,000/year divided by 52 weeks equals almost 2/week. categorically achievable once you produce your going rate, which we'll discuss a diminutive later.

2/week divided by 5 days (building in weekends off) equals almost 2/day. Any carefully man can make this. And, if you pile on education, touch and the Internet, you should be saying to yourself, "This will be a breeze."

It won't, but you should at least be giddy at the realization that this is a more than achievable goal.

2. Fee Enough: Don't go into freelancing with the attitude of I Have to take low-paying jobs. You don't! My mom used to say, "How you begin is how you will end." She wasn't talking about jobs, but I take this advice to heart in almost all things I start.

A personal story: When I realized that I was going to run this year's marathon (Thanksgiving Day, Atlanta, Ga), one of the first things I did was print out a training schedule.

My point: I took my goal seriously enough from the beginning and figured out what I needed to do to be ready. In the case of figuring out what to charge, this means figuring out how much you have to make each day, week, month to perform your goal. With your goal clearly mapped out, you will be much less likely to stray.

So, let's do some hard numbers. Frame a 9-hour work day - in the beginning, you will much likely put in more than this (I never said it was going to be easy). That's .33/hour you need to make.

When you reconsider that, on the low-end, pro copywriters make /hour, you can see how feasible it is to make ,000 year. Fyi, you may only spend 4 hours on a project, but 5 hours doing marketing work to bring in that task - but, it all evens out.

3. Target a Niche: The hypothesize I believe in targeting a niche is that it is so much easier to promote your services - especially if you have some type of touch within that niche.

For example, I target realtors, mortgage brokers and guarnatee agents. In my pro career, I've been a real estate agent and a mortgage broker. These two industries get you highly customary with the guarnatee industry.

No touch in your targeted niche? With the arrival of the Internet, it is fairly easy to come to be knowledgeable enough about a sector to market to it.

How to pick a Profitable Niche

a) Pay: Not only do you want to target a niche, you want to target one that pays well. This ordinarily means turning to the enterprise community. Again, the Internet makes it easy to aid clients worldwide - not just those in your community. So, don't let living in a small town scare you.

b) Plentiful: Eg, there may not be enough organic gardeners to target, but real estate agents are vast and plentiful. Don't have any ideas? Look through the Yellow Pages. Why? These are all the types of businesses you would find in any community. And, there may be businesses that you may never even have concept of in there who could use your services.

c) Evergreen: Try to pick niches that are evergreen - eg, those that will be around forever. Lawyers, accountants, guarnatee agents, auto dealers - these types of businesses aren't going anywhere. Once you produce yourself as an expert, getting enterprise will be easier and easier. Notice, I didn't say easy, I said "easier."

4. Put in order a Marketing Plan: It doesn't have to be 30 pages. A basic one will do, eg:

Who: is your target market?

What: do they need? How will you reach them? This will also tell you where you will be spending the bulk of your ad dollars (online or off).

Where: as, in, what geographic area will you aid (eg, will I target only a local market, or go national/international (eg, solicit enterprise via the Internet?) )

When: is their season (eg, is it slow during the summer, busy during the fall, etc.)

Why: should they pick me (figure out your Usp (Unique Selling Proposition))?

Put this where you can see it every day. I break my marketing plan into quarters. At the beginning of each quarter, I map out what I should be doing on a weekly basis. Sometimes projects interfere and I may not complete all things on my list daily, but I try to get all scheduled tasks done within that week.

Don't forget to Frame in startup costs - eg, primarily getting a website. A basic one will do. Just make sure that it is pro looking, grammatically definite and doesn't have bells and whistles (eg, no flashing graphics). Most visitors will be finding for information - make it easy for them to get it.

A marketing program keeps you on point. Robert Collier, one of America's primary "success authors" said, "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. . ." A marketing program does just this.

5. Put in order Your Marketing Material: Get a website, get a website, get a website - this should be one of the first things you do! I think websites have progressed to the point where telephones used to be.

Ie, would you do enterprise with man who doesn't have a phone? Probably not. Now, I think a lot of habitancy feel that way about the internet. Further, how can you talk to man about web copy if you don't even have a website yourself? Ostensibly, this could be the only "promotional item" you need.

But, I would also do a basic first letter, a brochure, enterprise cards (of course), a pro bio and a few samples. Don't have samples? Do freebies until you get 5 or 6. All of this can be on your website.

Why dissimilar kinds of marketing material? dissimilar situations call for dissimilar types of handouts. Eg, you may be at a accommodation of industry meeting one week (give out that brochure) and at the dry cleaners the next week (hand out enterprise cards).

6. Implement & follow through -- Consistently: Many freelancers give up before they even begin. I look at freelancing as pushing a boulder up a hill - it's hard going up (think of this as the ramp up of your business), but, once you get to the top, the ball rolls downhill by itself.

Freelancing won't be that easy - and don't believe anything who tells you that it will. But, with sustainable effort, you will begin to get assignments, and then referrals will seem to come in effortlessly.

If you follow this plan, you should start to get assignments within 30-60 days. Good luck!

his explanation How to Make ,000 in Your First Year as a Freelance Copywriter his explanation

Carmine "Lilo" Galante - The Cigar

No.1 Article of Summer Jobs In Atlanta

He was as vicious as Mafia boss Vito Genovese, as ambitious as Vito Genovese, and he was deeply involved in the heroin enterprise as was Vito Genovese. However, Carmine "The Cigar" Galante, would not die of natural causes as did Vito Genovese (albeit in prison). Instead, Galante was murdered in one of the most memorable mob hits of all time. After his body was filled with lead, he lay sprawled on his back in the tiny backyard patio of a Queens restaurant, his trademark cigar clenched tightly in the middle of his teeth.

Camillo Galante was born on February 21st, 1910, at 27 Stanton street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Because both his parents, Vincenzo, a fisherman, and his wife (maiden name Vingenza Russo) had been born in the seaside hamlet of Castellammarese del Golfo in Sicily, Galante was a pure first generation Sicilian/America. Galante had two brothers and two sisters, and when he was in grade school, Galante ditched his given name Camillo, and insisted he be called Carmine instead. Over the years it was shortened to "Lilo," which was the name most of his company called Galante.

Summer Jobs In Atlanta

Galante first got into problem for petty theft from a store counter when he was fourteen years old. But since he was a teenage at the time, an catalogue of this arrest is not in his valid police record.

Carmine "Lilo" Galante - The Cigar

At assorted times, Galante attended group High Schools 79 and 120, but he dropped out of school for good at the age of fifteen. Galante was in and out of reform school some times, and was considered an "incorrigible delinquent."

From 1923 to 1926, Galante was ostensibly employed at the Lubin artificial Flower enterprise at 270 West Broadway. However, this was a ruse to satisfy the law that Galante was gainfully employed, when, in fact, he was engaged in a very lucrative criminal career.

In December 1925, Galante was arrested for assault. However, money changed hands in the middle of Galante's population and crooked policemen, and as a result, Galante was released without serving any prison time. In December 1926, Galante was arrested again, but this time he was found guilty of second degree strike and robbery, and sentenced to two-to-five years in prison. Galante was released from prison in 1930, and in order to satisfy his parole officer, he got someone else sham "job" at the O'Brien Fish enterprise at 105 South Street, near the Fulton Fish Market.

However, it was not Galante's nature to stay on the right side of the law. On March 15th, 1930, five men entered the Martin Weinstein's shoe premise on the corner of York and Washington Streets in Brooklyn Heights. On the 6th floor of the building, Mr. Weinstein was in the process of getting his weekly payroll together, under the protection of police officer Walter De Castillia of the 84th Precinct. The five men took the elevator to the 6th floor. While one man stood guard at the elevator, the other four men burst into Mr. Weinstein's office. They ignored the ,500 sitting on the table, and opened fire on Officer De Castillia, a married father of a young girl, with nine years on the force. Officer De Castillia was hit six times in the chest and he died instantly.

The four men walked calmly back to the elevator and joined their cohort, who was guarding the elevator operator Louis Sella. Stella took the five men down to the ground floor. He later told the police that the men had exited the building, calmly walked to a parked car, got into the car, and fled the scene. When the police arrived minutes later from the center house just 2 blocks away, the killers were nowhere to be seen. Sella described the five men as "early to mid-twenties, with dark skin and dark hair." Sella said the men were all "very well-dressed."

The police principles was, that since no money had been taken, that this was a planned hit on Officer De Castillia. On August 30, 1930, Galante, along with Michael Consolo and Angelo Presinzano, were arrested and indicted for the murder of Officer De Castillia. However, all four men were soon released due to lack of evidence.

On December 25th, 1930, four suspicious men were sitting in a green sedan on Briggs Avenue in Brooklyn. Police detective Joseph Meenahan just happened to be in the area. He spotted the men in the sedan, drew his gun, and approached the sedan cautiously. One of the men shouted at Meenahan, "Stop right there copper, or we'll burn you."

Before Meenahan could react, the firing commenced from the green sedan. Meenahan was shot in the leg, and a six-year-old girl walking colse to with her mother was seriously wounded. The driver of the sedan had problem beginning the car, so the four men leaped from the sedan and tried to flee on foot. Three of the men manged to flee the area by jumping on a passing truck, but the fourth man slipped as he tried to get onto the truck and was apprehended by the wounded Meenahan. That man was Carmine Galante.

When Meenahan brought Galante to the center house, a group of detectives, angry that one of their own had been wounded, started to give Galante the "police center tuneup." Despite getting his lumps, Galante refused to give up the identities of the men who had escaped. He was subsequently tried and convicted as one of the four men who had robbed the Lieberman Brewery in Brooklyn. On January 8th, 1931, Galante was remanded to Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. He was later transferred to the Clinton Correctional premise in Dannemora, New York, where he remained until his release on May 1st, 1939.

While Galante was in prison he was given an Iq test that revealed he had a lame Iq of only 90, which, even though Galante was well into his twenties, equated to a mental age of 14-years-old. It was also noted that Galante was diagnosed as having a "neuropathic psychopathic personality." A physical estimation showed that he had a head injury incurred in a car crisis when Galante was 10-years-old, a fractured ankle when he was eleven, and that Galante was showing the early signs of gonorrhea, probably incurred at one of the many brothels controlled by the mob.

In 1939, after he was released from prison, Galante was again given sham employment at his old job at the Lubin artificial Flower Company. In February of 1941, Galante obtained membership in Local 856 of the Longshoreman's Union, where he ostensibly worked as a " stevedore." However, it is likely Galante very rarely showed up for work; one of the perks of being a member of the Mafia.

There is no narrative of the exact date, but Galante was induced as a made member of the Bonanno Crime family in the early 1940's. Despite the fact his boss was Joe Bonanno, at the time the youngest Mafia boss in America, Galante performed many hits for Vito Genovese, all throughout the 1930's and 1940's.

While Genovese was in self-imposed exile in Italy (he was wanted on a murder charge and flew the coop before he could be arrested), Genovese became fast pals with Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had a stone in his shoe in America called Carlo Tresa. Tresa was causing Mussolini much agita by incessantly writing anti-fascist sentiments in his radical Italian-language newspaper, Il Martello, which was sold in Italian communities in America.

Genovese sent word back to America to Frank Garofalo, underboss to Joseph Bonanno, that Tresa had to go. Garofalo gave Tresa ageement to Galante, who shadowed Tresa for a few days to resolve the best time and place to whack him.

On January 11th, 1943, Tresa was walking along Fifth Avenue near 13th Street, when a black Ford sedan pulled up along side him. The Ford stopped and Galante jumped out, hot gun in hand. Galante blasted Tresa some times in the back and in the head, killing the newspaper editor instantly. Amazingly, Galante was seen by his parole officer fleeing the scene, but due to the wartime rationing of gasoline, the parole officer was unable to supervene the black Ford containing Galante and the smoking gun. No arrest were ever made for the Tresa slaying.

In 1953, Bonanno sent Galante to Montreal, Canada to take operate of the Bonanno family interests north of the boarder. Besides the very lucrative Canadian gambling rackets, the Bonannos were heavy into the importation of heroin, from France into Canada, and then into America - the infamous French Connection. Galante supervised the Canadian drug doing for three years. But in 1956, the Canadian police caught wind of Galante's involvement. Not having enough evidence to arrest Galante, they instead deported Galante back to America, classifying Galante as "an undesirable alien."

In 1957, Genovese called for a big summit of all the top Mafioso in America, to take place at the north New York Apalachin house of Joseph Barbara, a captain in the Buffalo crime family of Stefano Magaddino. In establishment for this meeting, on October 19th, 1956, some New York crime bigwigs were summoned to Barbara's home to go over the guidelines of the proposed meeting; the prime purpose of which was to anoint Genovese as the Capo di Tutti Capi," or "Boss of all Bosses."

After the meeting ended, driving on his way back to New York City, Galante was nabbed for speeding near Birmingham, New York. Because his driver's license had been suspended, Galante gave the police a phone one. He was immediately arrested and sentenced to 30 days in prison. However, the tentacles of the Mafia also reached right into the police department in north New York. After a few mobbed-up New York lawyers made the right phone calls to north New York, Galante was released within 48 hours. Yet, a state policeman named Sergeant Edgar Roswell took note of the fact that Galante had admitted to the police he had stayed the night before at the Arlington Hotel, as host of a local businessman named Joseph Barbara. This prompted Roswell to pay especial concentration to the Barbara house in Apalachin, New York.

Less than a month later, on November 17th, 1957, at the insistence of Don Vito Genovese, Mafia members from all over America made their way to the Barbara residence. These men included Sam Giancana from Chicago, Santo Trafficante from Florida, John Scalish from Cleveland, and Joe Profaci and Tommy Lucchese from New York City. Galante's boss Joe Bonanno decided not to attend, and he sent Galante instead.

Sergeant Roswell took note of the fact that on the day before the colse to Arlington Hotel had been booked to the rafters with suspicious-looking out-of-towners. Roswell asked the right questions, and he was able to confirm that the man who made the reservations for these men was Joseph Barbara himself. Roswell drove to the Barbara resident and he spotted dozens of luxury cars parked outside, some with out-of-town plates.

Roswell called for back-up, and in minutes, dozens of state troupers arrived with guns drawn. The troupers raided the Barbara house and chaos ensued. Men wearing high-priced suits, hats, and shoes bolted from the house. Some were immediately arrested; some made it to their cars and drove off the property before roadblocks could be put in place by the police. Others jumped out of the windows and hightailed in straight through the thorny woods. One of these men was Carmine Galante, who hid in a cornfield until the police had left the Barbara residence. Then made his way back to Barbara's home, and made arrangements for his safe passage back to New York City.

The next day, when the news of the raid on Barbara's house hit American newspapers, blowing the lid off the misguided idea that the Mafia was a myth, Galante went into the wind, or in mob terms, he "pulled a lamski." On January 8th, 1958, the New York Herald Tribune wrote that Galante had run to Italy to hook up with old pal Salvatore "Lucky" Luciano, who was in exile in Italy, after serving nine years in American prison on a trumped-up prostitution charge. someone else narrative said that it was not Luciano Galante was with, but rather Joe "Adonis" Doto, someone else mob boss in exile in Italy. On January 9th, the New York Journal American said Galante was not in Italy at all, but in Havana, Cuba, with Meyer Lansky, a longtime member of the National Crime Commission, who had numerous casino interests in Cuba.

In April 1958, it was somehow leaked that Galante was now back in the United States and living somewhere in the New York area. The local law went to work, and in July, Galante was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics while he was driving near near Holmdale, New Jersey. He was charged with taking part in a major heroin deal, one of many Galante had been involved with. Also arrested in the same case were Vito Genovese, John Ormento, Joe Di Palermo, and Vincent Gigante. Galante, again manufacture use of his cadre of New York attorneys, was released on 0,000 bail. Galante's lawyers were able to delay any additional legal proceedings for practically two years. It wasn't until May 17th, 1960, that Galante was formally indicted, and again released on bail.

On January 20th, 1961, Galante's trial ultimately began, and the judge, Thomas F. Murphy, revoked Galante's bail, ordering Galante to be put right into the slammer. However, Galante's luck held up when, on May 15th, a mistrial was declared. It seemed the foreman of the jury, a poor chap named Harry Appel, a 68-year-old dress manufacturer, had the misfortune of falling down a flight of stairs in a construction on 15th street in Manhattan. After the medics arrived and Appel was taken to a colse to hospital, it was considered that Appel had suffered a broken back. No one had seen Appel fall, nor did the hurt and frightened Appel say that whatever had pushed him. However, although they had no exact proof, law compulsion believed that Appel had been pushed by a cohort of Galante's, with a warning not to say whatever to anybody, and they would allow Appel and members of his family to live.

Galante, now feeling alive and chipper, was released from prison, secured by a bond of 5,000.

Alas, but all good things must come to an end.

In April 1962, Galante's second trial commenced.

At the trial, there was a bit of mayhem in the courtroom, when one of Galante's co-defendants, a nasty vertebrate named Tony Mirra (who was said to have killed 30-40 people) became so unhinged, that he picked up a chair and flung it at the prosecutor. Luckily for the prosecutor, the chair missed him and landed in the jury box, forcing the frightened jurors to scatter in all directions. Order was restored to the court, and the trial proceeded, which was bad news for both Galante, and for Mirra. Both men were found guilty, and on July 10th, 1962, Galante was sentenced to thirty years in prison. Mirra also was sent to prison for a very long time. It is not clear if any additional time was tacked onto Mirra's sentence for the chair-throwing incident.

Galante first was sent to Alcatraz Prison, which was settled on an island fortress in San Francisco Bay. He was then moved to the Lewisburg Penitentiary, in Leavenworth, Kansas, before serving the final years of his prison term in the United States Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. Galante was ultimately released from prison on January 24th, 1974, all full of fire and brimstone, and ready to get back into business. However, Galante was to be on parole until 1981, so he had to be careful not to keep a high profile. Unfortunately, being in the background was not in Galante's makeup.

While he was in prison, Galante made it known that when he got out of prison he was going to take operate of the New York Mafia by the throat. The suitable head of the five New York City Mafia families at the time was Carlo Gambino, the head of the Gambino crime family. Gambino was shrewd, and generally quiet and reserved; well-respected for his enterprise acumen, and his capability to keep peace surrounded by his own family, as well as the other Mafia families. However, Galante had to use for Gambino, or his formula of doing business.

By the time of Galante's release, his boss Joe Bonanno had been forced to "retire," and was living in Tuscon, Arizona. The new Bonanno boss was Rusty Rastelli. But since Rastelli was in the slammer at the time, Galante took over as the "street boss" of the Bonannos. Still, Rastelli was considered the boss of the Bonannos, and was none too happy about how Galante was strutting his stuff on the streets of New York City.

Galante took the unusual step, and not appreciate by other Bonanno crime family members, of surrounding himself with Sicilian born Mafioso like Caesar Bonventre, Salvatore Catalano, and Baldo Amato. Theses men were derisively called "zips" by the American Mafia, due to the quick way they zipped straight through the Italian language. These zips were heavily involved in the drug trade, and in direct opposition to those in the Genovese Crime Family, which was run by Funzi Tieri, every bit as cunning and vicious as Galante.

Galante had a minor setback, when in 1978, he was arrested by the Feds for "associating with known criminals," which was a violation of his parole. While Galante stewed in prison, he began ordering his men to kill mobsters in the Genovese and Gambino crime families, who were cutting in on Galante's worldwide drug operation. With Carlo Gambino now dead (from natural causes), Galante figured he had the muscle to push the other crime family bosses into the background. From prison he sent out the message to the other bosses, "Who among you is going to stand up against me?"

On March 1st, 1979, Galante's was released from prison and walking on air because he truly believed the other crime bosses were afraid of him. Like Vito Genovese before him, Galante envisioned himself as "Boss of All Bosses," and it was only a matter of time before the other bosses cowered before Galante and handed him the title.

However, Galante underestimated the might and will of the other Mafioso bosses in New York City. While Galante swaggered colse to the streets of New York City, the other bosses held a meeting in Boca Raton, Florida, deciding Galante's fate. At this meeting were Funzi Tieri, Jerry Catena, Paul Castellano, and Florida boss Santo Trafficante. These distinguished men voted unanimously, if mob peace was to exist in the streets of New York City, Galante had to go. Rastelli, who was still in jail, was consulted, and even the aged Joe Bonanno, living in Arizona, was asked if he had any reservations at his old close join together being hit. Both Rastelli and Bonanno signed off on Galante's murder contract, and Galante's days were numbered.

On July 12th, 1979, it was a hot and sticky summer day, as the 69-year-old Carmine Galante's Lincoln pulled up at 205 Knickerbocker Avenue, in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. For more than 50 years, Knickerbocker Avenue had been the turf of the Bonanno crime family, and over the years numerous mob sit-downs had taken place in one of some storefronts on the block.

Carmine Galante stepped out of the Lincoln, then he waved goodbye to the driver: his nephew James Galante. Carmine Galante was wearing a white short-sleeved knit shirt, and, as was his custom, he was sucking on a huge Churchill cigar. Galante strutted inside the tiny restaurant, and was greet by Joe Turano, the owner of Joe and Mary's Restaurant. Galante had made this visit to meet with Turano, and with Leonard "Nardo" Coppola, a close join together of Galante's, over some undetermined mob business.

At practically 1:30 p.m., Cappola strolled into the restaurant, accompanied by zips Baldo Amato and Cesare Bonventre, who were cousins, and from the same hamlet as Galante's parents: Castellammarese del Golfo. By this time Galante and Turano had already concluded their meal, so while the three newcomers sat inside and had their lunch, Galante and Turano slipped surface into the backyard patio, and sat under a yellow-and-turquoise checked umbrella. After Cappola, Bonventre, and Amato concluded dining, they joined the other two men outside. Galante and Turano were smoking cigars and drinking espresso coffee laced with Anisette (only tourists and non-Italians drink Sambuca).

Galante was sitting with his back to a small garden, while Amato sat to his left and Bonventre to his right. Turano and Cappola sat on the opposite side of the table, their backs to the door important to the restaurant.

At practically 2:40 p.m., a four-door, blue Mercury Montego double parked in front of Joe and Mary's Restaurant. The car had been stolen about a month before. The driver, wearing a red-striped ski mask that covered his face, stepped out of the car and stood guard, retention a.3030 M1 carbine rifle menacingly in his hands. Three other men, also wearing ski masks, jumped out of the car and jogged into the restaurant. They sped past the few startled diners who were still eating lunch, and rushed into the patio area.

As they entered the patio, one masked man said to the other, "Get him, Sal!'

The gunman called "Sal" began firing a double-barrel shotgun some times at Galante, propelling Galante, as he was rising from his chair, onto his back. Galante was hit with 30 pellets, one knocking out his left eye. Galante was probably dead before he hit the ground, his cigar still stuck tightly in the middle of his teeth.

As Galante was shot, Joe Turano yelled,"What are you doing?"

The same gunman turned to Turano, and with the shotgun pressed against Turano's chest, he blasted Turano into eternity.

Cappola jumped up from the table, and either Amato, or Bonventre (it's not clear which one did the shooting) shot Cappola in the face, then five times in the chest. Cappola landed face down, and the killer with the shotgun, blasted off the back of Coppola's head.

The three masked men then hurried from the restaurant, and into the waiting getaway car. According to witnesses surface the restaurant, the car sped up Knickerbocker Avenue to Flushing Avenue, then disappeared colse to the corner. Bonventre and Amato, who were both wearing leather jackets despite the stifling heat, soon followed the three gunman out of the restaurant. They calmly walked down the block, got into a blue Lincoln, and drove away, like they had nary a care in the world.

Galante's body was laid out in the Provenzano-Lanza Funeral Home at 43 Second Avenue on the Lower East Side. The crowds that usual accompany a Mafia wake of this kind were notably absent. Galante was buried on July 17th at Saint John's Cemetery in Queens. With the Feds doing the counting, only 59 population attended Galante's funeral mass and burial. The Feds also reported that not one Mafia made man was captured on guard cameras, either at the wake, or at the funeral.

One Fed, commenting at the sparse turnout, said, "Galante was so bad, population didn't want to see him, even when he was dead."

Even though the newspapers played up the killing with gruesome front page photos, the normal group seemed imperious to the magnitude of the event. A young boy strolled up to a police officer standing guard the wake.

"Was he an actor?" the kid said to the cop.

The cop replied, "No, he was a gangster."

official statement Carmine "Lilo" Galante - The Cigar

A Fear and a Dream (In English and Spanish)

English Version

A Fear and a Dream

A Story of Inspiration and Determination

((Regional Swimming Champion) (in five parts))

A Story based on actual events, using the persons real name...

Part One

The Post Office

(The Winter of 2002)

(Winter of 2002, St. Paul, Minnesota, Usa) Those who saw her descend from the large U. S. Mail Truck off 4th Street, in the inner-city down by the Mississippi River, on the chilly morning of December 22, saw a short woman (four-foot eleven inches tall), a miniature stiff from the cold, with a bronze Peruvian face, and a cute smile that stretch from each angle of her mouth, and roughly pure dark-brown hair, that looked to be more black, than dark-brown.

"A considered miniature driver," someone said, out of the group standing surface the post office, eating their lunch, smoking cigarettes. They were remarking about her size and estimation to drive a big truck, that regularly only men drove, she was a post office carrier, only having learned how to drive a year earlier, at the ripe old age of forty-three years old. The men that had never saw her before-this being her first month driving-thought there was something inaccurate with their eyes; because of so many people, men and women too, in the state of Minnesota driving mail trucks. So they watched her go on about her business, with a grunt, strained eyes, yet purposeful as she vanished into the large front seat of her truck, with one big pillow behind her to keep her back, and push her send a half foot, and other big pillow under her to bring her up to the steering wheel, and arranged the seat to allow her short feet to reach the gas pedal. And then they left to do their work, and maybe understanding about it miniature more, knowing they'd see her around. And that was all of that.

And those who saw this miniature beauty, in the post office a year after she drove those big trucks, saw her as one of the main tellers, a job that required six-years working at the post office-not one, plus, sharp skills in math and social skills dealing with the public, a job that needed a someone to know two languages, but not a requirement (because she was one of the few, very few that filled that needed-prerequisite), and she'd move big bags of mail, dragging them here and there when not working as a teller, and in time a very short time, promoted, and receiving for reply, the workers glare she didn't expect, but envy and jealousy, penetrates deep, especially in the indolent, but to those doing the glaring and complaining-the superiors put it to rest very quickly, put them into a second-class status, saying, her skills were far above theirs. That made things all right; victory had been concluded twice, for this non American, in the breadbasket of America, who was working with a working permit, married to an American, had all her requirements fulfilled to be an American, and who (in the year of 2004) at the age of forty-five years old started a sport that would turn her life-(that would take fear and replace it with a dream), she would be called confidentially by many-during those days, "A late bloomer!"

Part Two
A Journey to Minnesota

(January, 1998, to October, 2009)

For a good many years Rosa Peñaloza (her second last name would be added onto that, in 2000, making it Rosa Peñaloza de Siluk) had worked in Lima, Peru, at a telephone company-fifteen-years-to be exact, was a degreed accountant, and with all her spare time, was a devoted Catholic, working for her parish Church, free. Never married, taking care of five families ((at times her mum and father along with her sisters and brother-in-laws and their children, plus a maid with two kids, all living in her house, living under her roof, for any years, as she was the most steadily employed) (coming from a family of eight children)).

Her mum had told her-she was approaching middle-age and unmarried-something to ponder. The local parish clergyman wanted her to be a nun, something else to ponder. surface her enterprise and church hours, she made time for her nieces and nephews (who were possible under a hardship, and would have been under more of a hardship had she not taken them in under her wing)-she made their time a continual and thoughprovoking childhood for each and everyone.

These are miniature fluttering tag-like ends of her personal history, which seems as I look back, are plainly leaking out as I write, foremost up to the present-which will be the championship.

Her own thinking, talks, things she can only remember, or had imagined, were never quite fully told to me by her (being her husband), thus, I have used fragments to catch up, or to bring up her life to the gift day, fragments tossed in the air as by a wind and then promptly dropped somewhere, someplace.

She was laughing heartily now, at her miniature successes, while those years. She had married in 2000, met her husband in 1999 (had been talked into taking a trip to America, Disneyland, by her mother, so she could enjoy life before she was put into her grave-and had been given a course in English, a birthday gift by her brother David, for whatever reasons, I never knew-had met him (her husband to be) at the airport in Atlanta, and that in itself is a story by itself) while he was on a trip to Peru. For this reason, she would leave Peru, to live with her time to come husband in Minnesota (prior to this they met in Guatemala to see the old ruins called Tikal for one week) and then they were married two weeks later; there was an element of sadness among her family, but also elation for her. Asked by a few of her friends "How can you take such a opening and marry a stranger, of sorts?" she replied, "Why would God give me a bad man?" And that was that.

She walked off the airplane, and walked onto the cold ground of Minnesota in February, of 2000, going send a miniature unsteadily, life had not yet expressed itself fully for her, surely in her mind, and for three of those six years she would live in Minnesota, she she'd roll about awkwardly.

At any rate, for her a second life had just begun. She would travel the world eleven-times; get her car license, a permit to carry a gun (an devotee shot). She plunged again and again into the unknown, run her husband's tenant apartment business, helped with the taxes, and did the maintenance on the six buildings they now owned together and sent money to Lima to keep up their home there, and had a crew of five men to contain one woman, who rebelled against her being a female boss. "You wait," her husband said, "I'll talk to the employees (to contain his daughter, and son-in-law);" and he approached all of them, said in his stern voice, "If you can't work for my wife, you can't work for me!" Thus, that placed the issue of equal rights.

Hang on now, and you'll see now what happened.

Part Three
Belly of the Camel

From time to time, her husband started to learn, his wife, Rosa was terrified of water (not bottled water, but swimming in particular, the ocean, lakes, rivers, pools, anyplace a someone could drown.) When he had taken her to Rio de Janeiro, on the most noted beach in the world, Copa Cabana, and he was in, what might be considered, shallow water, maybe up to his wife's elbows, she panicked and started screaming and tried pulling him out of the water, as a great wave was forthcoming, one she didn't see, but he saw. Once the wave struck, her husband ready for it, picked her up with his right arm, in a loop around her waist, dug his feet into the sand, in karate like stance-firm, and withstood the onslaught of the wave, had he not picked her up, she, and all her 110-pounds would have been gone out to sea.

He tried to laugh at the situation, but did not succeed very well; it was a serious thing for her.

(Now that I am writing of my wife, I maybe am not making a comfortable likeness of her. It maybe I overdo, or under do the notes of her life, but it is as I see it, and saw it, I am unable to temperament, or present it in her own account, since I am writing this in secret, and without her propose as I have often got when doing my writings-thus leaving all bias out. For one thing, she can be more cleaver than I give her prestige for, and I seem to be making her out, simpler.

On many evenings I have spent with her, she was silent, and maybe a miniature dull-or I was a miniature dull, she'd fall to sleep quickly, and of all the movies we watched, let's say 1000-in the years we were married, nine-years plus, she fell to sleep through 850 of them; and I'd read and write, and for many hours I did this, that's why, she'd walk away awkwardly (if she was not sleeping, or knitting) alone and along, doing something to break this boredom (I being twelve-years her senior), she'd ultimately find other things to do; at times, catch a cab, go shopping, etc.

My life was very active, had been very active prior to me becoming her husband (up to my heart attack and stroke, in 1993-94, and acquiring my neurological disease Ms, in 1996...) and for a spell it became less active, and then as I improved, it became more active again, but never as active as it had been-if that makes sense; especially while in my youth, now in Rosa's later years she had become newly active...but nothing in the long run of our lives had been dull, or inactive for very long, to the contrary. I had found out, what maybe she never knew, something she kept a harness on, a yoke around: she was locked in a bottle, and once opened, she was put into a large room-figuratively speaking-and it would be a hopeless affair to stop her now, it unmistakably was the summer of her life, life trickling down her back, there was nothing she couldn't do, once she put her mind to it! And whatever she did, she did it well, and complete.)

We were talking about swimming-were we not, and her fear of it, and water in general? I had understanding she had given up the struggle to deal with her fear of swimming that she would run aimlessly through the earth's land mass, and jump over those water holes as life went on. But evidently I was wrong; her mind must have been striving to conquer water in all its drowning forms. She tried to swim in a swimming pool while in a four-star hotel in Copan, Honduras, she failed when she saw a frog in the water-of all things, it even maddened me to a point I criticized her, and I seldom have in the past made fun of her in any form, for there is nothing to criticize her for, and I apologized somewhere down the road I think for that. maybe in this one area of life, she was plainly stumbling in the half darkness.

During the summer of 2004, she started taking swimming lessons from an Olympic Champion, in St. Paul, Minnesota, 0-dollars an hour. It had turned out disastrous. Oh she learned a thing or two in those six-months (the fear factor had faded slightly), and two-thousand dollars later, but she could not go into water any deeper than her knees, or turn about in the water, or dive, or do much of whatever but swim (which in itself was a small and God given accomplishment)-lightly swim, as long as she could see the bottom of the pool with the naked eye. Swimming under water was out of the question. If anything, she had broken the first straw on the camels back, but the camel didn't fall yet. The death of the camel-symbolically speaking-would take some more years.

After that, and in the fall of 2006, her and her husband came to Peru, having a home in Lima, and one in the Andes, within the city of Huancayo. She was trying hard to adjust to her new environment; she had loved the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, and missed her disastrous swimming lessons.

Up to the very occasion when it would happen-breaking the camel to its knees, it looked to her husband that swimming was out of the time to come equation, as far as whatever significant, but the issue kept arising; however she had saved some money and she sought out other location in Lima for swimming and lessons (a last try from her husband, whom suggested she take it an inch at a time, instead of a foot at a time, which I suppose he had previously expected, he thus, wiped out all expectations of her, and told her to plainly go and enjoy it), and the owner of the local pool, happened to be an Olympic swimming champion. Accordingly, she had been lead to two Olympic champions, and henceforward, she took a new undertaking, now she would break the camel's back, and it would drop to its belly not to its knees.

Part Four
The Late Bloomer

In the following eight-months, swimming became a very warm, and comfortable, and nice sport for Rosa. She would go swimming even if it was cold and rainy outside. It seemed at the time, as if the death of the camel had drawn her closer together with her once fear of the water. maybe both the water and Rosa felt it, maybe Rosa being the more aware of it; that pleased me at the time. And in time it would even come to the point, she'd go swimming in the evenings.

In Huancayo, she sought out two swimming locations, and did one in the mornings and one in the evenings (sometimes twice a day, at other times, a different one each day), and had conquered most of her fears-she could now dive well, pretty well, and by the first of October, 2009, she could do her flip-turns under the water, quite well, and swim 29-laps, Olympic swimming pool laps, she had durableness galore. She could do such swimming techniques as the: front crawl, back stroke, breaststroke and a miniature bit of the butterfly, and then came the camel again, back broken and all-for there still remained a deep water fear (but it didn't stop her, she was swimming under the water, fearsomely swimming), and her professors (or instructors), along with her coach for the nearing competition, Edson Azaña, at both pools told her, "You're going to be in the next regional championship, in November," a month away; she was now fifty-years old, contentious against hard boned youth with agility, and reflexes to match.

It was a wonder to me how this woman could keep seeing forward, burying defeat all along the way-in everyway, even when her fear was at its height, with its loud voice, she never once screamed defeat, she told herself, and she told me "I can't quite, I can't give up..." even when the devil was in the angle saying: 'You can't do it,' she screamed back, evidently silently, "Watch and see!"

And now for the last part of this story, 'The Championship' (to be continued) ...

Note.- I want to thanks on profit of my wife to the instructors (and swimming pools): in Usa, to Beth Peterson, Olympic Champion, from the Ywca; in Lima, Peru: Cabana, Miguel, Willy and Luis from the Juana Alarco; Atilio and Reynaldo from Ernesto Domenack (Olimpic Champion); in Huancayo, Peru: Omar Chavez from the Aquatic Park and Johnny Roca from the Juan Bosco Swimming Pools, and to the coach Edson Azaña from the Aquatic Park for training my wife for the competition.

Written 10-14-2009/No: 492

Spanish Version

(Versión en Español)

Un Temor y un Sueño
Una Historia de Inspiración y Determinación

Una Historia basada en hechos reales, usando el nombre verdadero de la persona...

Parte Uno
La Oficina de Correos

(Invierno del 2002)

(Invierno del 2002, San Pablo, Minnesota, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica) Aquellos que la vieron descender del camión grande de la Oficina de Correos, en la Calle 4 por el río Mississippi, en el centro de la ciudad, en la mañana fría del 22 de diciembre, vieron a una mujer baja de estatura (1.50 m.) un poco agarrotada por el frío, con una cara bronceada y una bonita sonrisa que se estiraba a cada lado de su boca, y con cabellos castaño oscuro, que parecían más bien negro, ella era peruana.

"Una pequeña chofer decidida" alguien, del grupo parado afuera de la oficina de correos, dijo, comiendo sus almuerzos, fumando cigarrillos. Ellos estaban comentando sobre su estatura y su decisión a manejar ese camión grande, que generalmente lo manejaban los hombres; ella era una empleada de la oficina de correos, y había aprendido a manejar sólo un año antes, a la edad madura de cuarenta y tres años. Los hombres que nunca la habían visto antes-siendo éste su primer mes de trabajo-pensaron que había algo erróneo con sus ojos, debido a tanta gente, hombres y mujeres también, en el estado de Minnesota manejando los camiones de la oficina de correos. Así ellos la vieron, murmurando, con ojos nerviosos, aunque con atención, la vieron ocuparse de su trabajo, mientras desaparecía en el asiento grande de su camión, con un cojín detrás de ella para soportar su espalda y empujarla quince centímetros adelante, y otro cojín grande en su asiento para levantarla hacia el timón, habiendo arreglado el asiento para permitir que sus pequeños pies alcanzaran los pedales. Y después ellos se fueron a trabajar, y talvez pensaron un poquito más sobre esto, sabiendo que la verían a ella alrededor.

Y aquellos que vieron a esta pequeña belleza en la oficina de correos, manejando esos camiones grandes un año atrás, la vieron como una de las principales cajeras, un trabajo que requería de seis años de experiencia en la oficina de correos-no uno, además, de grandes habilidades en matemáticas y habilidades en tratar con el público, un trabajo que requería de una persona bilingüe, aunque no un requisito (ella era una de las pocas, muy pocas que llenaban esos prerrequisitos necesarios). Ella movería grandes paquetes de correspondencia, jalándolos de aquí para allá cuanto no estaba trabajando como cajera, y en muy poco tiempo, fue ascendida, y recibió por respuesta la mirada amarga de sus compañeros, que ella no lo esperaba, pero la envidia y los celos, penetraban muy profundo, especialmente en el indolente; pero para aquellos que miraban amargados, con envidia y quejándose-los jefes los tranquilizaron muy rápidamente, poniéndolos a ellos en una categoría de segunda clase, diciéndoles que las habilidades de ella eran muy superiores a las de ellos. Esto hizo que las cosas estuvieran bien; la victoria se había cumplido dos veces en esta no americana, en el corazón de Norteamérica, quien estaba trabajando con un permiso de trabajo, casada con un americano; ella había cumplido con todos los requisitos para ser una ciudadana americana, y quien (en el año 2004) a la edad de cuarenta y cinco años empezaría un deporte que cambiaría su vida (que sacaría sus temores y los reemplazaría con un sueño), ella sería llamada por muchos-en secreto, durante aquellos días-"Un florecer tardío".

Parte Dos
Un Viaje a Minnesota

(Enero de 1998 a Octubre del 2009)

Por muchos buenos años, Rosa Peñaloza (su nombre sería cambiado en el año 2000, a Rosa Peñaloza de Siluk) había trabajado en la compañía de teléfonos en Lima, Perú-quince años, para ser más exactos-ella era una contadora y una católica devota que en todo su tiempo libre trabajaba gratis para su iglesia. Nunca se había casado, haciéndose cargo de casi cinco familias ((en ese tiempo su madre, su padre junto con sus hermanas, cuñados y cuñadas, sobrinos, más una empleada con dos hijos, todos viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su casa por muchos años, ya que ella era la que tenía un trabajo permanente) (y venía de una familia de ocho hijos)).

Su madre le había dicho que ella se estaba aproximando a una edad madura y soltera-algo en qué pensar. El sacerdote de la iglesia quería que ella fuera monja-algo más en qué pensar. Fuera de su trabajo e iglesia, ella hacía tiempo para ocuparse de sus sobrinas y sobrinos-haciendo de sus tiempos una animada infancia para cada uno y todos.

Estas son como pequeñas etiquetas de su historia personal, que parecerían, mientras miro atrás, estar simplemente goteando mientras escribo, dirigiéndose al presente-que será el campeonato. Sus propios pensamientos, conversaciones, cosas que ella sólo puede recordar, o haberse imaginado, nunca me fueron completamente dichas por ella (siendo yo su esposo), así, he usado fragmentos para coger o traer su vida al presente día, fragmentos lanzados en el aire como por un viento y luego arrojados abruptamente en algún lugar.

Ella ahora estaba riendo con gusto, por su pequeño éxito, durante aquellos años. Ella se había casado en el año 2000, había conocido a su futuro esposo en 1999 en el aeropuerto de Atlanta, mientras él iba en un viaje a Perú. Por esta razón ella dejaría Perú, para reunirse con su futuro esposo en Minnesota, Estados Unidos, y dos semanas más tarde ellos se casarían.

Ella bajo del avión y caminó en el suelo frío de Minnesota en Febrero del 2000, yendo adelante un poquito temblorosa, la vida no se había manifestado totalmente para ella, y tres de los seis años en que ella viviría en Minnesota, serían difíciles para ella.

En todo caso, para ella, una segunda vida acababa de empezar. Ella viajaría once veces alrededor del mundo, obtendría su licencia para conducir, un permiso para portar armas (una tiradora experta). Ella saltaría de nuevo y de nuevo en lo desconocido; ella administraba el negocio de arrendamiento de propiedades de su esposo, lo ayudaba con los impuestos, y se encargaba del mantenimiento de los seis edificios que, ahora, ellos tenían juntos, también enviaba dinero a Lima para el mantenimiento de su casa allí, y tenía un equipo de seis personas a su cargo, la mayoría hombres incluyendo a una mujer, quienes se rebelaron en contra de ella por ser una jefa mujer. "Tú espera", su esposo le dijo, "hablaré con los empleados", y él se dirigió a todos ellos, dijo con una voz severa, "¡Si ustedes no pueden trabajar para mi esposa, entonces no pueden trabajar para mi!". Así, se arregló el problema de igualdad de derechos.

Ahora espera, y verás lo que pasó.

Parte Tres
Barriga del Camello

Con el tiempo su esposo empezó a aprender, que su esposa Rosa, tenía terror al agua (no al agua en botella, sino a nadar en particular, al océano, a los lagos, ríos, piscinas, cualquier lugar en el que una persona podría ahogarse).

Estuvimos hablando acerca de nadar- ¿cierto? Y el temor a esto, y al agua en general. Pensé que ella se había rendido en la lucha para vencer el temor a nadar y que ella correría sin dirección a través de la tierra, y que saltaría sobre aquellos charcos de agua mientras la vida continuaba. Pero evidentemente estaba equivocado; su mente estaba luchando por conquistar al agua en todas sus formas. Ella trató de nadar en una piscina de un hotel cuatro estrellas en Copan, Honduras, pero ella fracasó cuando vio a una rana en el agua-de todas las cosas, esto incluso me molestó muchísimo al punto que la critiqué, y nunca lo había hecho antes, porque no hay nada de que criticarla, y en algún memento me disculpe con ella por esto. Talvez en esta área de la vida, ella estaba simplemente tropezando en medio de la oscuridad.

Durante el verano del 2004, ella empezó a tomar clases de natación con una campeona olímpica, en San Pablo, Minnesota, costaba cien dólares la hora. Esto resultó desastroso. ¡Ah! ella aprendió algunas cosas en esos seis meses (el factor temor se había disipado ligeramente y dos mis dólares), pero ella no podía entrar en el agua que estuviera más arriba de sus rodillas, ni darse vueltas, ni clavados, sólo nadar, ligeramente nadar, siempre y cuando ella pudiera ver el fondo de la piscina a straightforward vista. Nadar bajo el agua era imposible. Si había algo, era que ella había roto la primera paja de la giba del camello, pero el camello no se había caído todavía. La muerte del camello-hablando figurativamente-tomaría lugar algunos años más.

Luego de ello, en el otoño del 2006, ella y su esposo vinieron a Perú, teniendo una casa en Lima y otra en Los Andes, en la ciudad de Huancayo. Ella estaba tratando duro de acostumbrarse a su nuevo ambiente; a ella le había gustado mucho la ciudad de San Pablo, Minnesota, y extrañaba sus desastrosas clases de natación.

Hasta el mismo memento cuando esto ocurrió-doblar al camello a sus rodillas-le pareció a su esposo que la natación estaba fuera de una futura ecuación, en lo que respectaba a algo significante, pero el tema seguía surgiendo; sin embargo, ella había ahorrado algo de dinero y buscó un lugar en Lima para nadar y tomar clases (un último intento de su esposo, quien sugirió que lo tomara pulgada por pulgada, en vez de pie por pie, que supongo él previamente lo había hecho; él, así, borró todas las expectativas de ella, y le dijo simplemente que fuera y disfrutara). Y sucedió que el dueño de la piscina era un campeón olímpico en natación. Por consiguiente, ella había sido dirigida por dos campeones olímpicos, y en el futuro, ella tomaría una nueva responsabilidad, ahora ella rompería la giba del camello, y este caería en su estómago no sólo sobre sus rodillas.

Parte Cuatro
Un Florecer Tardío

En los siguientes ocho meses, la natación se convirtió en un cálido, cómodo, y bonito deporte para Rosa. Ella iría a nadar incluso si hacía frío o estaba lloviendo. En ese tiempo parecería, como si la muerte del camello la habría acercado más cerca con su, una vez, temor al agua. Talvez ambos, el agua y Rosa lo sentían, talvez Rosa era la más consciente de esto; esto me complacía. Y con el tiempo incluso llegaría al punto de que ella iría a nadar en las tardes.

En Huancayo, ella buscó dos piscinas, en la que iba a nadar un día en las mañanas a una y al siguiente día en las tardes a la otra, y había conquistado casi todos sus temores-ahora ella podía hacer clavados muy bien, y para el primero de octubre del 2009, ella podía darse la vuelta olímpica bajo el agua, nadar 29 vueltas en piscinas olímpicas, ella tenía resistencia a montones. Ella podía nadar, estilo libre, espalda, pecho y un poco de mariposa; y luego, el camello viene de nuevo, con la espalda rota y todo-porque todavía permanecía el temor al agua profunda (pero esto no la detuvo a ella, ella estaba nadando bajo el agua) y sus profesores o instructores en ambas piscinas, junto con su entrenador para la competencia cercana, Edson Azaña, le dijeron: "tú vas a estar en la próxima competencia regional de natación, en noviembre", a un mes; ella ahora tenía cincuenta años de edad, e iba a competir con personas más jóvenes,

Era un asombro para mi ver cómo esta mujer continuaba adelante, enterrando derrotas a lo largo del camino-en todas las formas, incluso cuando su temor estaba en su máximo, ella nunca gritó derrota, ella se dijo a si misma, y me lo dijo: "No puedo dejarlo, no puedo rendirme..." incluso cuando el diablo estaba en la esquina diciéndole: "tú no puedes hacerlo", ella le gritaba respondiéndole, evidentemente silenciosamente, "Observa y verás".


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