If you have reservations about getting into internet marketing because you feel you can't afford the marketing costs, I will show you how to get free leads with Craigslist advertising. Craigslist is like a major newspaper, accept it goes worldwide. It's free and easy. Corollary the steps that work and then set it and forget it.
You start by setting up an account on Craigslist.org. You will have to verify your email address and even your telephone estimate if you will be posting under the "job offered" category. View other peoples ads at Craigslist, Backpage.com, or Kijiji.com to get some ideas. See what ads are posted, copy and paste them into a word document, and convert them to fit you, your personality, and your business. Originate about three ads that have distinct titles, and content. Make sure your ads are relevant to the stock you are selling. Consist of your perceive information and website or you can anonymize your email. You have to pay to post in the major cities like, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston. In order to get free leads with Craigslist, you have to post in the surrounding areas of these cities.
There are many categories of which to post your ad. Make sure you use the category that is acceptable to your ad. If you post in the wrong section, you might be flagged, which happens every now and then, especially if your ad is spam-like. You can also be flagged by your competitors. You have to respect the terms that Craigslist outlines, so it is recommended that you post three ads per day. You don't want to come to be too aggressive. I encourage you to read straight through the terms and agreements before posting.
Have a distinct ad for every city, because Craigslist watches to see if you have at least twenty percent of your ad that's distinct from other ads on the site. They will delete your ad if it is like person else's ad. After posting your ad, you should check your email and Craigslist account to ensure the ad was posted. Your ad will be online for some days, during which you can edit or take off your posted ad. When your ad expires, you can go to your account and repost it. You can also delete your ad and then repost.
To get free leads with Craigslist, you have to be consistent and post everyday. Don't post at the same time daily and use distinct titles to see which ones are the most effective. Use a spreadsheet to keep track of your titles and your leads so you don't loose any potential customers. Make posting on Craigslist a game, have fun with it and be creative.
had me going Get Free Leads With Craigslist had me going
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