Recently I have been working with fellowships and executives who have been experiencing failure with strategies that brought them success in the past. However, the world has changed. This requires each of us to adapt and evolve as leaders. Unfortunately, many of us are stuck approaching new challenges the same way we did in the past, mental the old way will still work.
Although employees haven't changed, the work environment they find themselves in has changed. Many have taken on not only larger workloads, but also pay cuts. As a leader, what have you done to adjust your leadership arrival during these changing times? If you haven't adapted, you may be in for a rude awakening. new surveys have shown that as the cheaper stabilizes and starts to trend upwards, high performing employees will be more likely to leave their jobs. Given this foreseen, trend, how can you, as a leader, maintain your star performers and not lose them to your competitors?
Before important employees start leaving, now is the time to make adjustments to your leadership approach. Below you will find four uncomplicated and low cost steps you can take:
1. Recap The Road To Success
I recently met with a group of partners who expressed their concern about the low morale in their assosication which they believed was due to pay cuts. When I asked them if employees understood what needed to happen in order to have their salaries restored to 100%, the talk was no. Therefore, if you have not clearly articulated your company's path to recovery, don't wait! Once you have the defined the criteria, article your company's advance to saving on a consistent and frequent basis. Unless employees know and understand your plan for saving and are made aware of the progress, they will make up their own stories, which I can promise you never have happy endings!
2. Show That You Care
Showing you care does not cost money. Yet during this stepping back so many leaders have chosen to focus on short-term results and often forget the "little things" that show they care. The following are easy and efficient ways to show you care:
* Be visible to your employees, Walk nearby the office, witness and listen.
* Praise population for a job well done. Just saying "Good job!" is not enough. Be exact about what the laborer did and how it impacted you and the organization.
* When you see someone struggling, ask the laborer what aid they need that will help make them more successful.
* When possible, provide flexibility in your employees' work hours. Remember each laborer has a personal life that at times may get in the way of their regular work hours.
3. Lead By Example
A golden rule of enterprise is: "only ask of your employees what you would do yourself." If the workload requires population to work weekends during peak periods, then you also need to be in the office. For example, every year during tax season a regional accounting firm has a tradition of bringing in evening meal for employees who work late to meet the tax filing deadline. The managing partner is not only there each evening, but he also serves the evening meal and walks the halls looking for opportunities to maintain his staff.
4. Celebrate Success
Success comes in all sizes and often leaders are so focused on the big goals that they fail to recognize the smaller successes within their organization. When a local Atlanta enterprise experienced a important decline in enterprise over the past 18 months, they rightfully spent much of their waking hours trying to bring in revenue to grow the enterprise back to where it once was in 2008. However, they were so focused on this big goal, they did not perceive some small internal successes that didn't drive revenue, but did growth enterprise profits. One project that required a lot of hard work by many staff members was a new technology implementation that saved the enterprise over K annually. But because the savings weren't determined large, there was no celebration for this accomplishment.
Don't miss opportunities to celebrate and recognize the population responsible for your company's success, no matter how small the success. The unexpected compliment, recognition, or even small celebration is often the most appreciated and remembered. Be aware that when celebrations come to be habit and expected, they are no longer determined effective. It then becomes time to be creative and re-energize your celebrations.
A New Leadership arrival Can Help maintain Key Employees
As a effect of today's changing work environment, what are you currently doing to adapt your leadership arrival to maintain your key performers? Now is the time to focus on a new and improved personal leadership arrival and not rule for what worked in the past because we are all truly in a new enterprise reality.
over here Today's Work Challenges wish New Leadership Approaches over here
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